Today Viva Health Club Marketing Manager Deborah Ferreira and Eastbrooke GP Blacktown SuperClinic representative Josie Dalli were invited to speak at the annual “Blacktown Senior’s Morning Tea”, an event held by local member Michelle Rowland MP, Federal Member for Greenway. Michelle provides these events with the purpose to connect with the local seniors of Blacktown and to provide them with useful and relevant information, in which Eastbrooke and Viva were honoured to be involved in.
The event was held in the Max Webber Library and consisted of over 120 locals of Blacktown aged over 60+ years. In her presentation to the audience, Josie Dalli mentioned the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle when becoming older, and the benefits of exercise which includes boosting energy, maintaining independence and managing the symptoms of illness.
Josie Dalli, who has been working within the health industry for over 8 years and is 2IC at the centre, went on to say “more importantly though, regular activity lowers your risk for a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, and obesity. At Viva Health Club, we care about our seniors health and are very excited to be able to offer specialised “senior sessions” to the local community of Blacktown. These “senior sessions” are tailored specifically to the 60 years and over age group and use a variety or strength training, cardio training and stretching that are aimed to improve the individuals general health, wellbeing and longevity.”
The attendees of this event were curious to know more about Viva’s Senior Sessions and enquired on items such as schedules, fitness barriers and age related health and fitness items. Viva received positive feedback from its new initiative which supports the local seniors of Blacktown.
For more information regarding the details of our Senior Sessions call us directly on 9671 2233 or visit