Viva Health Club – Privacy Policy – Current as of 25th January 2017
This privacy policy is to provide information to you, our member, on how your personal information (which includes health information) is collected and used within our club, and the circumstances in which we may share it with third parties.
Why and when your consent is necessary
When you register as a member of our club, you provide consent for our club and affiliated staff to access and use your personal information so they can provide you with the best possible fitness service. Only staff who need to see your personal information will have access to it. If we need to use your information for anything else, we will seek additional consent from you to do this.
Why do we collect, use, hold and share your personal information?
Our club will need to collect your personal information to provide fitness services to you. Our main purpose for collecting, using, holding and sharing your personal information is to manage your fitness health. We also use it for directly related business activities, such as financial claims and payments, club audits and accreditation and business processes (eg staff training).
What personal information do we collect?
The information we will collect about you includes:
Dealing with us anonymously
You have the right to deal with us anonymously or under a pseudonym unless it is impracticable for us to do so or unless we are required or authorised by law to only deal with identified individuals as per the (Australian Privacy Principle 2).
How do we collect your personal information?
Our club will collect your personal information:
– your guardian or responsible person
– other involved healthcare providers
Who do we share your personal information with?
We sometimes share your personal information:
Only people that need to access your information will be able to do so. Other than in the course of providing fitness services or as otherwise described in this policy, our club will not share personal information with any third party without your consent.
We will not share your personal information with anyone outside Australia (unless under exceptional circumstances that are permitted by law) without your consent.
Our club may use your personal information for our direct marketing purposes in relation to affiliated fitness notices, reminders, prompts or services.
If you do not consent, you may opt-out of the direct marketing component at any time by notifying our club in writing or by activating the automatic opt-out options on the relevant direct marketing communications.
How do we store and protect your personal information?
Your personal information may be stored at our club in various forms. This may be in the form of paper records, electronic records or video recordings.
Our club stores all personal information securely. All paper files are securely locked. The data within the club management system is password protected. All the information is backed up daily to a server. Backups are routinely tested to ensure daily duplication processes are valid and retrievable.
How can you access and correct your personal information at our club?
You have the right to request access to, and correct or update your personal information.
Our club acknowledges members may request access to their records. We require you to put this request in writing to our club and our club will respond within 30 days. Members will not be charged for making this request – only the costs of complying with the request. The Club Manager will advise on any cost.
Our club will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate or up-to-date. From time-to-time, we will ask you to verify your personal information held by our club is correct and up-to-date. You may also request that we correct or update your information, and you should make such requests in writing to the Club Manager [email protected].
How can you lodge a privacy related complaint, and how will the complaint be handled at our club?
We take complaints and concerns regarding privacy seriously. You should express any privacy concerns you may have in writing. We will then attempt to resolve it in accordance with our resolution procedure. Please send all requests to “The Club Manager” [email protected] .
You may also contact the OAIC. Generally the OAIC will require you to give them time to respond, before they will investigate. For further information visit or call the OAIC on 1300 336 002.
Privacy and our website
A copy of this privacy policy is also available on the Viva Health Club website
Policy review statement
This policy will be reviewed by Viva Health Club Management on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles. Should an update of this policy be required, an updated version will be published on the Viva Health Club website (
Collection Statement
Viva Health Club will use the information you provide for future and ongoing direct marketing communications in relation to health issues, topics, reminders and other various initiatives. The club shall seek to provide an opt-out option for recipients of these communications via online, in person or in writing.
For these purposes, your information may be disclosed to the corporate head office of Viva Health Club. Please note your personal information will NOT be distributed to any third party affiliations
If you have any questions about privacy or access your personal information please contact:
Viva Health Club
Club Manager
[email protected]
Viva Health Club means Eastbrooke Health Suites Pty Ltd (ACN 123 744 388) trading as ‘Viva Health Club’ situated at Suite 5, Mezzanine Level, 112 Main Street Blacktown NSW 2148 and includes the facilities and car park at that address.